Sew Inclusive

Sew Inclusive is a fat positive space that teaches you about plus size fashion, patterning and alterations with a DIY spproach. This workshop series is for fat and plus size people ONLY and includes lessons, one on one instruction and open studio time at the Made Institute-- an independent fashion school with all the tools and space we need to tailor and shape our wardrobes! All skill levels are welcome and beginners are encouraged. 

Sew Inclusive is led by Sally Louise Polk (Fussy Louise) and Robyn Dombey (Blue Bangs) Between them they share a world of knowledge and experience, looking at the fashion industry with a critical and fat positive eye.

The industry treats our bodies as if it is the problem when they are the ones who fail to make quality clothing for us. At Sew Inclusive, we believe the answer is challenging prejudice and altering your clothes to fit-- not the other way around. 

[email protected]



Should I bring my sewing kit? Yes! We have some supplies, but its a good idea to bring your own. If you don't have a sewing kit yet we recommend building one! Here are some items we suggest starting with: thread, fabric, stitch ripper, fabric scissors, safety pins, sewing pins and a ruler

What kind of machines do you have? Made Institute West Philly has home singer machines. Made Institute Center City has home singer machines as well as Juki Industrials for experienced sewers.

Can I bring my own machine? Yes! We think thats a great idea, especially for new folks who want to familiarize themself to the machine you will use at home

What is the minimum age for  attendees of Sew Inclusive? 16 is the minimum age! Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a paying adult

I want to join but I have accessibility needs, what should I do? Please email [email protected] and we'll see what we can do!!

Are there refunds for when I register for Sew Inclusive? Not at that this time, but e-mail us if you have any issues! [email protected]  

Can I transfer to a different date? 
Not at this time, but if you have any issues email us at [email protected] 

Is there a waitlist? Yes! Click here if you'd like to sign up

Follow us on instagram and  join the community, we can't wait to sew with you! @sewinclusive